What We Do
I am living in France, can accept travel photography in European countries.
Professional photographer with 9 years of working experience.

Event Shooting
Portrait Photography
Product shooting
Video Production
Marriage 婚礼 330€/2H

Marriage photos in paris 巴黎外景轻婚纱 330€/2H
Familly photos 全家福 300€/2H
Photo LinkedIn 职业照 80€/3P
We only provide electronic photos, all photos will be copied to you, 2H photography will do 15 edits.底片全送,再送15张修片,赠送高清小视频。
Event shooting, single-person dual-camera shooting,
canon R6+5D4, on-camera flash, 16-35, 24-70, 70-200,
better and more angles to record the scene
The shooting price starts from 300 euros for two hours

Video Production

Family video shooting baby about 100days ! 百天照视频

Familly trip in paris ! 巴黎旅行

1 year birthday ! 周岁捉周

Orchestra rehearsal shooting! 乐队彩排拍摄

Marriage proposer! 求婚视频片断
The shooting price starts from 500 euros for one videos.
About me
Personal strengths
Can speak English, French and Chinese fluently
Good at using photoshop, Premiere
Good at recording the events that are happening, capturing the momentary emotions of the characters
Record part of the video while taking the photo
熟练 使用PS ,PR ,擅长记录片拍摄,记录当下,可以拍摄照片和视频。

My device
I like to buy upgraded equipment, now I use Canon 5D4 and R6, 16-35 2.8, 24-70 2.8, 70-200 2.8, 50 1.2, Canon 600RT top flash, and various fill light equipment and backgrounds, etc. photographic equipment
In some important occasions, I like to carry two cameras to work , and switch lenses more quickly.
我喜欢升级设备,现在我使用佳能5D4和R6,镜头16-35.24-70.70-200和50 1.2.佳能600RT机顶闪。

Work experience
Nine years of professional photographer
Two years as a professional photographer in Shanghai
Seven years as a professional photographer in France
九年职业摄影师,两年拍摄工作在上海 ,七年多在法国,均为职业摄影师 。

my love and choice
I love photography and I enjoy it, when I am working, I don't feel tired, when I see the shooting work, I often fall in love with the person in front of the camera, I can always find and feel that Nice, it all ended after the filming ended.
But many years later, when I look back at the previous shooting, I will be even more moved when I recall the memories! All life is worth recording
我热爱摄影 ,当我拍摄的时候,我忘却了一切,融入在现场,认真的记录下每一个瞬间。每个在我镜头里的人,都有着自己的魅力,当我修图的时候,我也是深深的感觉着当时的一切。直到修图结束 ,一切也就结束 了。
多年以后 ,再次看到曾经记录下的每个瞬间,依然深受感动。这大概就是我们常说的,感动了自己!

Contact me in filling this form, I will aim to answer as soon as I can.
Or just give us a ring and we’ll be happy to assist with any questions you may have.